in view


in view 的定义

  1. Also, within view. Visible, in sight, as in The end of the project is in view, or The mountains are just within view. [Mid-1500s]

in view 近义词

in view

等同于 present

in view

等同于 visible

in view

等同于 seeable

in view

等同于 viewable

in view

等同于 coming

in view

等同于 imminent

in view

等同于 personally

更多in view例句

  1. In his view, a writer has only one duty: to be present in his books.
  2. This is a guy who has his son-in-law clean his eyeglasses, for crying out loud.
  3. Her travel clique has been known to arrive at an airport, bags packed, passport-in-hand, within hours of spotting a deal.
  4. There had long been another view, however, called “premillennialism.”
  5. Barry showed me his room—a one bedroom with a killer view of Riverbank State Park and the Hudson.
  6. His also was the intellectual point of view, and the intellectual interest in knowledge and its deductions.
  7. The Vine is a universal favorite, and rarely out of view; while it often seems to cover half the ground in sight.
  8. Judged from this point of view only, the elasticity provided by the new law is doubtless adequate.
  9. Not much use as the high crests hid the intervening hinterland from view, even from the crow's nests.
  10. I knew the world had nothing like her, and yet the impression she has made on me, at the first view, is unexpectedly great.